Friday, 10 February 2012

Question 7 - Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

From planning and filming my preliminary task I have uncovered a number of problems which would jeopardise our thriller opening. But because we were able to spot the problems before we even began planning our thriller task we were able to avoid them. Below is a list of problems/ disadvantages which we uncovered from our preliminary task which we have fixed for our thriller opening.

What have I learnt?
One of the main skills I have learnt throughout my media task is how to use a camera effectively, for example I have learnt numerous different camera angles and shot types and what effects they all have. One of my more preferred camera shots is either the high or low angle camera shot, I like this shot because it allows you film a character and portray them differently, for example a high angle shot can be used to portray weakness and a low angle shot looking up on a character can symbolise power.

I have also learnt important rules which must be followed when filming. The most important rule is the 180*. The 180* rule is important and must be followed because it is designed to keep a scene ‘manageable’; basically it ensures that a scene doesn’t become too confusing so that the audience does not become confused. In our preliminary task we broke the 180* rule slightly and it made the footage ever so slightly confusing so we made sure that when planning and filming our thriller opening the 180* wasn’t broken.
I have learnt from my preliminary task that planning a shot can be harder than it appears. When it came to actually filming out preliminary task a lot of the shots we planned to use wouldn’t work because the camera viewing window is not as large as we expected. In response to this we have ensured that all of the planned shots for the thriller opening will fit properly, to do this we had to carefully plan and sketch up our storyboard.

Once we had created our preliminary task a few feedback comments were made related to the story behind our preliminary task. People stated that our preliminary task did not have much of a story to it and it just consisted of too much walking. In response to this we made sure that our thriller movie would be much more dramatic with a much better story behind it. To ensure that our thriller opening will be more exciting than our preliminary task we firstly decided that an action scene is needed to give it a dramatic feel, this is where the torture scene idea came from and then we worked on the interrogation trying to make it as realistic as possible.

Once we had finished our preliminary task it because clear that continuity editing was a lot harder than it first appeared. When we filmed our prelim we had to change where we were filming halfway through so in one scene you can see Callum Cole standing in one door and in the shot after he is standing in another door. When we were planning our thriller opening we ensured that the location we had chosen would not change over the duration of the filming, we also had to ensure on the filming day that we did not accidently change anything to the scene or character which can be spotted between scenes.
Filming our preliminary task allowed us to find any weaknesses we had and sort them out before we had to go out and film our thriller opening. Filming our preliminary task also supplied us with the experience needed to film a professional thriller opening.
Skills I have progressed with
From creating my preliminary task and to completing my thriller opening I have developed a number of film making skills. Some of the skills are equipment related such as camera skills and tripod skills and some are software related, for examples using programmes such as iMovie and GarageBand. Below I will cover the different skills I have learnt and progressed in since creating my preliminary task.

Since we began our preliminary task I have learnt multiple camera techniques and skills which have really helped me create my thriller movie opening to such a high standard.
·        I have become more confident using cameras because I understand more about how they work and what features they have which can be used to aid in filming.
·        I have had practice filming shots such as panning shots and zoom shots which are usually difficult to achieve because of un-steady camera movement.
·        I have knowledge on a large amount of camera shot types and angles as well as camera composition and framing.
·        I can efficiently use a camera with a tripod to film steady/ sturdy footage. I can also use the tripod to set shots up, for example tripod height and angle.
Since we began our preliminary task I have been using the iMovie Programme quite regularly. This has helped me gain experience and knowledge in using this programme which has helped me edit my thriller movie opening to the standard I require.
·        I know how to import footage and cut it down into its required size ready to be reassembled.
·        I know how to add sound effects and music on top of a video. I can also edit or remove the soundtrack which is embedded into the recorded video clip.
·        I can add effects onto video or images.
·        I can add clip transitions between two or more pieces of video clips so that they fit together better.
·        I am capable of adding titles over the top of videos or images.
·        I can export my finished product and then upload it to a storage device such as a CD and then create an interactive dashboard which aids people using the CD.
I have also been regularly using the GarageBand software. Using GarageBand has helped me understand how the programme works ready for when I need to create the sound effects for our thriller opening.
·        I am capable of cutting down sound effects/ music so that I create one whole sound track.
·        I know how to put together a sound track so that it merges together properly and it makes sense.
·        I can add sound effect over other sound effects/ music to make the sound different.
·        I can export my finished sound track and then copy it over to iMovie ready to be placed onto our thriller opening.
What would I change about our thriller opening?
If I had the choice to go back and change anything the only thing I would change is the lighting, when we filmed the scene the lighting seemed fine but then when we uploaded the footage up onto iMovie the lighting was much brighter than we were hoping. We decided to edit all of the clips and make them black and white to give the effect that it is darker than it appears. If I could go back I would make the scene darker so that when we came to editing we would not have to edit the brightness of the footage at all or just less.
Apart from that our filming went perfectly apart from we had to repeat a few scenes because of acting problems but this was not a big deal and it did not affect out filming schedule.
Overall I believe that out thriller opening is filled with tension and mystery which I common practice for most modern thriller movies. I believe that we stuck true to the thriller genre and we have utilized all of its conventions.

Below I will post my completed Media Thriller Opening…

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