Thursday, 9 February 2012

Question 5 - How did you attract/address your audience?

Before we began to create our thriller opening we created a questionnaire which we handed out to students in year 12 and 13, we handed out the questionnaires to people in the common room. These questions gave us an insight into what people expect in thriller movies and what they think makes a good thriller movie opening. This will help us create out thriller opening because we will know what people think makes a good thriller opening.
We have followed the feedback which we gathered from our questionnaire so the thriller that we have created should attract our audience because we have listened to their advice and worked on it. The questionnaire feedback which we received has altered the way our thriller opening was planned and created because we incorporated the feedback into our thriller as much as we could. The feedback helped us choose the location for our thriller, understand what sort of sound/ music is popular within a thriller movie, understand what type of lighting should be used and what effect it has. We also learnt about what people like to see in a thriller movie opening, for example we learnt about what people think should happen in a thriller opening and what draws the audience in.
In response to the questionnaire feedback we have created out thriller opening so that it appeals more to our audience. Below I will list the main elements of which make up a thriller movie and I will then list the feedback we gained from the questionnaire related to a particular element and they I will explain how we fulfilled the audience’s expectations.

What key features should occur in a thriller opening?
From our questionnaire feedback we have gather that a lot of people believe that a thriller opening should be gripping and something important should happen which sets the story off as well as grabbing the audience’s attention.
In response to this we ensured that our thriller opening include a very dramatic scene which grabs the audiences attention and keeps them wanting to watch on. The scene we used to do this is the very first clip where the hostage’s head is being pulled out of a bucket of water, this instantly builds up the tension because the audience is thrown straight into the storyline without warning and they want to know why this hostage is being tortured.

Most people who filled in our questionnaire stated that a thriller movie should include sounds which are ‘dramatic’ ‘creepy’ ‘tension building’ etc.
In response to this we searched through numerous sound tracks until we found a few which we believed suited our thriller opening and built up the tension and atmosphere. Throughout our entire thriller opening a sound effect is being played in the background, although it is quiet it can still be heard and it builds up tension because the audience knows that something is going to happen anytime soon.

From our research we have gather that most of the people who filled in our questionnaire believe that the lighting should be dark, dim eerie, shadow etc.
In response to this we decided to use a single light source which gave the scene a dark, eerie setting but you are still able to see clear enough to know what is going on.

From the feedback we gained from our questionnaire we learnt that most people believe that the location for a thriller film is one of the most important parts of the film and it affects the way the audience views the film.
In response to this we decided to film our thriller opening in a dark secluded location because it creates tension and it gives the effect of claustrophobia. Also because our thriller film is going to be an interrogation a small location gives the effect that the hostage has been enclosed and shut off from the outside world.  

Once we finished our thriller opening we decided to create a narrative version where we would explain why we used different conventions. We also mention in the video feedback we gained in the questionnaire and how we used the feedback to plan, film and edit our thriller opening. The video can be viewed below and it is named ‘Question 5 - How did we attract/ address our audience?’. 

Below is the video and narrative script which we used in the video…

In our questionnaire we got feedback saying that a typical thriller should be filmed in a dark and secluded place, this is why we picked this location.
We picked a location that was dark, however it wasn't as dark as we expected it to be, this why we used a black and white transition over it.
We also got feedback from our questionnaires saying that our thriller opening should be thrilling and dramatic from the start.
This is why we opened our thriller with the torture scene with the bucket of water, this is because it makes the audience want to watch on.
Our audience suggested that an isolated location should best suit our thriller opening because it creates an eyry atmosphere and tension because it is an unknown setting.
The location that we chose was a garden shed because it is small and isolated from the outside world. The shed could be anywhere.
The outfits used in the opening reflect the roles of the characters they are playing
The convict is dressed in casual wear showing that he has been caught unaware, whereas the cop is wearing formal wear which shows that he is organised and prepared for the situation
This also shows that he is in control and the powerful character in the scene. The convict lies at his mercy.
We placed tools in the scene which would specifically trigger reactions that will assume that something bad could happen
They were placed in this scene because it shows that it is a working environment every day garden tools could quite easily be used in the wrong way.
We added them to the background because without them we thought that the setting would be bare’.

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