The BBFC is a company that licences all movies that will be released in
U - Films that are designed to be suitable for children of 4+. There should be no Discrimination, Violence, Drugs, Nudity and Sex scenes. Horror is allowed but it must be short sequence and the outcome must be reassuring.
PG – PG stands for Parental Guidance and any unaccompanied children of any age can watch it. Discrimination, Drugs, Horror, Violence and Nudity must be at a minimal and the scenes that they are included in must be short.
12A/12 – These movies are suitable for children if 12 and over, 12A movies only exist for cinema movies and children of under that age of 12 can only watch the movie if they are accompanied by adult.
Discrimination and Violence must be minimal and any aggression is usually not accepted. Moderate language and nudity is allowed but sexual scenes must be brief and discreetly portrayed
15 – No one younger than 15 may see a 15 film in a cinema and they may not be sold an 18 films/ game in a store. 15 Films are allowed to have moderate violence, horror and language. Certain drug use is allowed and sexual scenes must be short and must be portrayed with strong details. Violence is allowed but it must be directed away from the pain and injury it is inflicting.
18 – No one younger than 18 may not view an 18 rated movie in the cinema nor should they be sold an 18 rated movie. There are not that many boundaries involving an 18 rated film because BBFC states that anyone at the age of 18 should be free to choose their own entertainment. The only really boundary that involves 18 rated movies is sexual content, explicit scenes/ images of sexual activity which cannot be justified by context are usually banned.
R18 – R18 movies can be seen by anyone of the age of 18 and over, it is a special and legally restricted classification primarily for explicit sexual material. The material must be shown to adults in specially licensed cinemas and can only be sold in properly licensed sex shops.